Things I wish my Mother had told Me
No Offence Mom! Or
Things they did't teach me in School
You Can Tell Me Anything!
"Secrets" are too painful to keep to yourself.
If somebody touches you in places you know
and they know is "wrong"...tell me!
If someone wants you do do something
you don't want to do ...tell me!
There is absolutely nothing
you could tell me...
no mistake you could make...
no choice to be different...
That would ever make me love you less!
The "first" time for girls is usually painful.
If the boy/guy wants to, but girl doesn't,
She has the right to say...No! Stop! I am not ready.
If someone really cares for you, loves you,
they will Stop and Respect your wishes.
Do not allow them to threaten you with...
"If you don't, I am breaking up with you".
It is your body you decide When!
By Rosa Linda
Once the goodness of Someone Special reaches out
and touches your Heart, your life is changed forever...
Each day becomes a Blessing
filled with Hope anew, wideeyed Wonder,
and the sincere desire to share a little Kindness.
You look for, and find, the Good
in every one and every thing.
You keep the Faith;
and wholly trust in your dreams of tomorrow.
I want you to know how fortunate
I feel to have you in my life.
You have brought a hue of Happiness to my heart,
and a rainbow of Love that will forever
color my world with Joy.
You Are Truly Someone Very Special To Me.